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« Dato: 13, Maj 2018 - 11:17 »
Study Finds German Wolves Prefer Wildlife to Livestock - SPIEGEL ONLINE.

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5 ways to survive a Wolf attack _ TV.

How to Survive a Wolf Attack  11 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow.

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Citat fra: Wolf attacks on humans - Wikipedia
Victim age and gender
A worldwide 2002 study by the Norwegian Institute of Nature Research showed that 90% of victims of predatory attacks were children under the age of 18, especially under the age of 10. In the rare cases where adults were killed, the victims were almost always women. This is consistent with wolf hunting strategies, wherein the weakest and most vulnerable categories of prey are targeted.[14] Aside from their physical inferiority, children were historically more vulnerable to wolves as they were more likely to enter forests unattended to pick berries and mushrooms, as well as tend and watch over cattle and sheep on pastures.[19][21][22] While these practices have largely died out in Europe, they are still the case in India, where numerous attacks have been recorded in recent decades.[21] Further reason for the vulnerability of children is the fact that some may mistake wolves for dogs and thus approach them.[22]

Mvh JJ


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