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Allais Effekten Endelig Matematisk Forstået
« Dato: 15, Marts 2015 - 20:46 »
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« Senest Redigeret: 08, Marts 2017 - 16:57 af HVH »

Mikael Boldt

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Sv: Allais Effekten Endelig Matematsik Forstået
« Svar #1 Dato: 15, Marts 2015 - 21:52 »
Jeg har i egenskab af administrator slettet 2 indlæg identiske med dette.

Mikael Boldt
Ha en god dag

Mikael Boldt


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Sv: Allais Effekten Endelig Matematisk Forstået
« Svar #2 Dato: 08, Marts 2017 - 16:46 »
Lige en´"lille" opdatering, håper det er Ok det er på engelsk

ABSTRACT: An Anisotropic Dark Flow Acceleration can solve the cause of the Allais Effect.

KEYWORDS: Allais Effect. Anisotropic Acceleration. Dark Flow

Since the first claims in the 1950s when it was described as an anomalous effect, experimenters using pendulums have sporadically noted slight deviations when an eclipse is underway. Economic Nobel prize winner Maurice Allais first reported his observations in 1954, when he noted that the pendulum in his Paris laboratory demonstrated a slight change in the precession of its plane of oscillation. Repeating his experiment in 1959, he obtained similar results. Numerous scientists have attempted to recreate his experiment with some claiming success and others reporting no changes to the pendulum movement. [1]
Unfortunately, no theory has ever been able to explain why some solar (and lunar) eclipses disturb different kinds of pendulums, why it only happens sometimes and why the effect is sometimes delayed and sometimes happens before the eclipse, neither why different pendulums are sometimes able to measure the effect and gravimeters only very weakly or not at all. These days in darkness have now come to an end, and all these questions have now been answered.

An Anisotropic Acceleration can now be mathematically proven.
In order for a significant anisotropic acceleration to be measurable on Earth (e.g. with a gravimeter or various pendulums), requires specific conditions to be present.
It is somewhat similar to the situation that it is also impossible to measure the acceleration of Earth’s orbit acceleration from Earth (given that everything on Earth is part of the same acceleration frame of reference). 
However, there is an indirect method of measuring Dark Flow Acceleration (in short DFA), which is the same force / acceleration responsible for the Allais Effect [1]

The following are required:
1. The Earth must accelerate slightly opposite to DFAD, (towards north) and the cause of the acceleration must be due to the force of gravity of the Moon. 
2. A testing body on Earth (able to interact/measure DFA) must be (more or less) unaffected by the force accelerating Earth’s opposing DFA.
3. The rotation of the earth must bring a measurement device to the best possible position whereby the test-body (of the measurement device)  (more or less) can interact with the exposed DFA.
4. The pendulum must swing east-west not north-south.
5. Relative fast and suddenly change of the DFA exposure must be at present for gravity measurement results to be significant / convincing. (Pendulums are more sensitive, and therefore better device to use)

These requirements allow a testing body to be exposed for DFA, whereby anomalies can be measured.

First at all a few words about Dark Flow;

Two independent observations and measurements based on NASA and ESA research have confirmed that Dark Flow could be true, [2] and [3]
According to a NASA team led by Alexander Kashlinsky:
The Dark Flow Direction is directed towards the area between Hydra, Vela and Centaurus
According this new theory (presented here) the DFA direction is today straight south relative to the ecliptic

Numerous Allais Effect research measurements during the decades have shown that an unknown force (at the minus 7 scale) is occasionally exposed by a solar eclipse. Recently, this force has also been measured by lunar eclipses.   Sometimes the effect is weak, sometimes strong, and sometimes no effect has been measured. Now, for the first time ever, a new theory can explain and mathematically prove exactly why these phenomena have been so mysterious.

The crankshaft responsible for these phenomena is the motion of the Moon.
Sometimes the Moon is situated above the Earth, sometimes below.

Due to mass attraction between Earth and the moon, Earth is sometimes periodically accelerated slightly upwards or downwards on what is here called a Dark Flow Acceleration Axis.

Solar Eclipse (as well as Lunar Eclipse) are perfect occasions, where the slightly upwards or downwards acceleration of the Earth undergoes remarkable changings. This is why eclipse is perfect occasions where the exposure of DFA can happens for short time periods.

Fig.3 The illustration shows a solar eclipse where the moon is located 1500 km higher relative to a parallel, linear line, ‘X’, between the Sun and Earth. This corresponds to approx. 0,35°. In that way, the Moon’s acceleration due to gravity pulls the Earth in the northern direction with an acceleration which can be calculated by GM/r2 d ( 7,35e22*6,67e-11/3800000002 ) divide with 90° = 0.00000037m/s2 (or 37 μGal,  per 1°)

•Testing body A (see illustration) will therefore not be directly affected by the upwards pull from the Moon, but only indirectly effected by the Earth’s upward acceleration, -  and is thus exposed to influence by DFA, so soon this body not is connected with earth.
•On the other hand, testing body B (near the Equator) will be in almost in the same frame of reference as the accelerating globe and will therefore be much weaker exposed to DFA. (because testing body B is also pulled upwards by the Moon)
•Testing body D (and others located south of B) is not exposed to DFA influence at all, as these testing-bodies are all accelerating upwards, pulled by the Moon.
•Testing body C is fully affected by the upwards acceleration of the Earth (in the same acceleration reference frame) and is therefore not exposed to DFA.
•Testing bodies located between A and up towards C will gradually be more affected by the Earth’s upwards acceleration and will therefore also be poor testing areas for detecting pendulum anomalies.

Now let’s try to test this theory in reality based on all the Allais Effect measurements that have taken place during the decades.

Allais, unpublished note of 10 November 1959,
Movement of the paraconical pendulum and the total solar eclipse of 2 October 1959

Common for the 2 Solar Eclipses measured by Marius Allais in 1954 and 1959: at the time when the Allais Effect was detected, the Moon was about 4000 to 5000 km above the Sub Solar point. This means that at both of these events, the Earth was accelerating upwards during the periods of solar eclipses. Thus, DFA was exposed. Another common is that the measurements took place in France both years. [1]

1954, 30 June - measured in France
The Moon was at the solar eclipse about 1.5° (6000 km) above the Sub Solar point. This corresponds to an upwards acceleration of the Earth at 50μGal.
But at the same time, the Moon was also 0.5° above the measurement position (in Paris). This corresponds to an upwards acceleration of the test body at 15μGal.
The magnitude of the exposed DFA able to effect the test body at that time of the day must therefore have been a total of 50μGal, (minus 15μGal) = 35μGal. [1]

1959, 2 October - measured in France
On that same day, Marius Alias also took measurements in Paris and detected the Allais Effect.
This measurement was taken in the autumn where the tilt of the axis of the Earth had brought France and therefore the measurement device about 3000 km further north compared to summer on the northern hemisphere.
The best possible measurement result must be expected when the test body can ‘disconnect’ from earth’s upwards acceleration. This is possible when the DFA interaction axis and the DFA axis are parallel (and the pendulum is swinging in the direction east-west). This negative effect (due to the bad interaction axis) is the cause of the effect measured in 1959 being weaker compared to 1954.  The conclusion is therefore that the bad DFA interaction axis is a stronger negative effect compared to the 15μGal upwards acceleration of the test body in 1954. [1]

1970, 7 March, measured in the USA
Allais Effect was confirmed; The Moon accelerating Earth upwards, DFA exposed.

1974, 20 June, measured in Perth, Australia
The Allais Effect was measured, but no anomaly was detected, obviously because Earth was accelerating downwards as did the test body on the southern hemisphere. [1]

1980, August, measured in Peru
The Allais was measured but not confirmed. The Moon is below the Sub-Solar point, and thus there was no upwards acceleration of Earth, hence no exposed DFA. [1]

1990, 22 July, measured in Finland
Only a weak Allais Effect might have been measured in Finland. This is as expected. [1]

1991, 11 July, measured in Mexico
The Moon and the test body were in the same acceleration frame of reference, hence no DFA was exposed, and no Allais Effect measured. [1]

1994, 10 May, measured in Canada
Gravity measurements confirmed the Allais effect, but the result was very week. This is also as expected. The weak result is due to the bad DFA interaction axis. [1]

1995, 10 October, measured in Northern India
The Allais Effect was measured and confirmed by chance. The Allais Effect was measured a few hours before the maximum eclipse took place. The Moon was above the Sub Solar point, and DFA was therefore exposed. [1]

In the early morning of 24 October 1995, a gravity measurement was taken for oil exploration purposes in northern India when by chance the Allais Effect was measured (12μGal). What we see here is that in the morning, northern India is brought just above the Sub-Solar point whereby a test-body (in Norther India) thereby immediately exposed to DFA. Also notice that the DFA interaction axis was parallel to the DFA axis (see the red arrow).. Both of these factors are perfect for measuring a gravitational anomaly connected to the Allais effect. [1]

1997, 9 March, measured in Northern China
Similar Allais Effect measurements were taken in northern China, but this time only showing an anomaly at 6μGal. The cause of the weaker result (compared to North India) obviously is the different angle of the DFA interaction axis relative to the DFA vector. [1]

1999, 11 August, measured in Austria & France
This eclipse was perfect to detect and measure the Allais Effect, but unfortunately not with gravimeters. Suddenly exposed DFA is required in order for the gravimeter to detect the Allais Effect (similar to what was seen in Northern India in 1995) . If no sudden changes take place, it is very difficult to distinguish whether the Allais effect was involved or not. The Allais Effect was confirmed by using pendulums by this eclipse. This result is as expected. [1]

2001, 21 June, measured in Zambia
This eclipse took place too far to the south, no upwards acceleration of the Earth was taking place, and the measurement in Zambia therefore did not confirm the Allais effect. [1]

2003, 31 May, measured in Romania
The Allais Effect was confirmed. The upwards acceleration of the Earth is stronger than the upwards acceleration of the test body when the eclipse took place whereby DFA is exposed and Allais Effect was measured. [1]

2005, 8 April, measured in Panama & Romania
The Earth was accelerating downwards due to the pull from the lower Moon whereby DFA was not exposed. Therefore, no Allais effect was measured on the day of the Eclipse in Panama where measurements were taken.

On the other side of the Earth, in Romania, a paraconical pendulum and a conical pendulum were affected, but the test bodies in Romania were disturbed (periodical accelerating downwards) due to attraction from the Moon. Therefore, a well-known force (the Moon) affected the Pendulums in Romania and not the Allais Effect.

2006, 29 March, measured in Turkey
The Allais Effect was properly confirmed by gravity measurements. Aperiodic oscillations in tilt were recorded at the two locations on the center line. These may be related to the eclipse phenomenon. [1]

2006, 22 September, measured in Bulgaria
The Earth was accelerating downwards due to the pull from the lower Moon whereby DFA was not exposed. Weak disturbances were detected in Romania. The situation is similar to a measurement the year before (8 April 2005) explained above. [1]

2008, 1 August, measured in Romania and Ukraine
The Allais Effect was measured at both locations mentioned above, but the Allais Effect was several hours delayed. This was due to the fact that when the eclipse took place, the test body was too strongly effected by upwards acceleration towards the Moon. Several hours later, the Moon had moved further south, and the test body further west. After these few hours, the test body was no longer affected by upwards acceleration, but the Earth still accelerated upwards due to the higher position of the Moon. Therefore, the DFA was exposed, and the Allais Effect could be detected after a few hours of delay. [1]

2009, 26 Jan, measured in Romania and Ukraine
At the time of the day when the eclipse took place, the Moon was below the Sub Solar point, therefore accelerating downwards, and therefore no exposure of DFA took place. 
A relatively much stronger downward acceleration was exerted on the test bodies (in Romania) compared to the downwards acceleration of the Earth. Both of these accelerations were caused by the low Moon. Therefore, the downwards acceleration on the test bodies was not caused by the Allais effect but rather by the low Moon, and the Allais Effect was not confirmed that day. A low moon is strong enough to affect various kinds of pendulums ‘anomalies’. [1]

2009, 22 July, measured in China
The Allais Effect was measured in China. The Allais effect was confirmed. This is as expected.
The effect was relatively weak due to the fact that the Moon is not very much higher than the Sub solar point. [1]

2010, 11 July, measured in the USA
On that day, the DFA was not exposed anywhere on the planet, and no Allais Effect was confirmed. [1]

2011, 1 June, measured in Romania
The Allais Effect was confirmed (measured on the night side of the planet).
This is also as expected since the DFA was exposed due to the upwards acceleration of the Earth.
Notice that Romania at that time was about 5000 km further north compared to the Sub Solar at the Sun side of the Earth. The reason obviously is due to the axis tilt of the Earth. Because of that, the test body was influenced by the upwards acceleration towards the Moon to a much weaker degree compared to the Earth, and therefore - to a certain degree - free to interact with the exposed DFA. [1]

2017, 1 August
The coming solar eclipse has several advantages. 1.) The DFA Interaction axis is almost completely parallel to the DFA axis. The moon is situated high enough on the northern hemisphere to exert large, upwards acceleration, and probably also to expose the full potential of DFA. This will be one of the best, or most likely the best, solar eclipse to measure the Allais effect in decades. The best place to measure is more or less right under the Moon. The further north or south from the solar eclipse that measurements take place, the weaker we must expect anomalies to be. 

Due to the tilted rotation axis, it mainly the rotation of the earth that brings a test body to the best possible DFA exposed position. The best exposed DFA position is most of the time right under the Moon or near the Moon. The upwards or downwards motion of the Moon is important as well. Both these factors contribute to speeding or delaying the time where the Allais Effect can be measured.

On the day of the eclipse (the USA, August 2017), the Moon will move downwards, and at the same time, the test body will move slightly upwards due to the rotation and axis tilt of the Earth.  This means that the exposed DFA will not suddenly vanish, and we should therefore not expect a very sudden change of the DFA exposure. Therefore, a gravimeter will not be the best device to measure the exposed DFA.

It is now easy to predict that measurements taken at position M1 and M2 must be expected to be significantly weaker than measurement taken at position M. But really to understand the Allais effect measurement taken many different places in northern American will be important the 1 of August 2017.  This is the only way. 

Several evidence (included Dark Flow) are pointing to that an anisotropic acceleration (and motion) of (at least) a large part of the Universe is a reality. Although one might think that such significant acceleration is utopian, because everything then must reach the speed c, - keep in mind that we also know that it requires ever more energy to maintain constant acceleration (in empty space).  There may very well be some few more lessons to learn.

[1] Allais Effect Measurement Listed: http://www.science27.com/allais

[2] F. Atrio-Barandela1 , A. Kashlinsky2 , H. Ebeling3 , D. J. Fixsen4 , D. Kocevski5., “Probing the Dark Flow signal in WMAP 9 yr and PLANCK cosmic microwave background maps.”  arXiv:1411.4180v2 [astro-ph.CO] 22 Jul 2015

[3] A measurement of large-scale peculiar velocities of clusters of galaxies: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/1775888_A_measurement_of_largescale_peculiar_velocities_of_clusters_of_galaxies_Technical_details[/quote]
« Senest Redigeret: 09, Marts 2017 - 08:33 af HVH »


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Sv: Allais Effekten Endelig Matematisk Forstået
« Svar #3 Dato: 09, Juni 2017 - 19:11 »
Så har teorien bestået peer review 

The cause of the Allais effect Solved  http://www.scirp.org/Journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=76756#.WTj0uz70Koo.facebook
Erratum to the cause of the Allais Effect https://www.scirp.org/Journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=77930
Extention to the cause of the Allais Effect http://pubs.sciepub.com/faac/3/2/3/index.html
« Senest Redigeret: 24, December 2017 - 22:41 af HVH »


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