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Forfatter Emne: Findes der en font der viser keyboard-taster  (Læst 20531 gange)


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Findes der en font der viser keyboard-taster
« Dato: 29, September 2023 - 12:32 »
Jeg skal lave en lille vejledning til et stykke PC-software.
På web-sider som denne: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_of_keyboard_shortcuts er der fine små tegninger af hver tast man kan trykke på.
Hvordan laver jeg det samme i Word eller LibreOffice Writer/Draw?
Findes der en speciel Font der kan downloades og bruges gratis?


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Sv: Findes der en font der viser keyboard-taster
« Svar #1 Dato: 29, September 2023 - 19:59 »
Der findes flere forskellige lister over keyboard-taster, men jeg har ikke fundet nogen speciel font til at vise keyboard-taster?
Er der ingen windows fonts, som du kan bruge?
Prøv evt. at søge med:
download free fonts
Howto enter unicode character

Mvh jj


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Sv: Findes der en font der viser keyboard-taster
« Svar #2 Dato: 29, September 2023 - 22:41 »
Måske er det her hvad du søger efter?

 "Segoe UI Symbol" or "Wingdings."

Fra Chatgbt! (som i øvrigt først programmerede et html table med nogle shortcuts til mig...)

To create keyboard shortcut icons in a document using Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer, you can use custom icons or symbols to represent the keyboard keys. Here's how you can do it:

Microsoft Word:

Open Microsoft Word.

Place your cursor where you want to insert the keyboard shortcut icon.

Go to the "Insert" tab in the ribbon.

Click on "Symbol" in the "Symbols" group.

In the symbol dialog that appears, select a font that contains symbols for keyboard keys. For example, "Segoe UI Symbol" or "Wingdings" often have keyboard-related symbols.

Browse through the available symbols to find the key you want to use for the shortcut, such as "Ctrl" or "Alt."

Select the symbol and click the "Insert" button.

Repeat steps 2-7 to insert additional symbols for other keys in the shortcut.

After inserting the symbols, you can format them as needed. For example, you can change the font size, color, or make them bold to emphasize them.

Type the action or description of the keyboard shortcut next to the icons.

LibreOffice Writer:

Open LibreOffice Writer.

Place your cursor where you want to insert the keyboard shortcut icon.

Go to the "Insert" menu.

Select "Special Character."

In the "Special Characters" dialog that appears, select a font that contains symbols for keyboard keys, such as "Segoe UI Symbol" or "Wingdings."

Browse through the available symbols to find the key you want to use for the shortcut, like "Ctrl" or "Alt."

Select the symbol and click the "Insert" button.

Repeat steps 2-7 to insert additional symbols for other keys in the shortcut.

After inserting the symbols, you can format them as needed. For example, you can change the font size, color, or make them bold to emphasize them.

Type the action or description of the keyboard shortcut next to the icons.

This method allows you to represent keyboard shortcuts using custom icons or symbols within your document. You can use different symbols for different keys to visually represent the keyboard shortcuts effectively.

E. Tranberg

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