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Cities around the world are the “main cause of climate change” but can also offer a part of the solution to reducing the harmful greenhouses gases that are causing global temperatures to rise according to UN-Habitat Executive Director Maimunah Mohd Sharif.
Why are cities an important part of tackling climate change? How can cities contribute to reducing climate change?Climate change is already happening and affecting cities, how can cities prepare for this new reality?To what extent are the poorest and most vulnerable people most impacted by climate change in cities?How different are the challenges faced by cities in developing countries compared to those in the developed world?
News article25 July 2022Joint Research Centre3 min readCities are often 10-15 °C hotter than their rural surroundings
IPCC, har netop holdt møde i Soa. Her satte man rammen for, hvad to nye rapporterskal indeholde.De to nye i klassen, ’Særrapport om klimaforandringer og byer’ samt ’Metoderapport om emissionsopgørelser forkortvarige gasser og partikler’ skal stille skarpt på, hvordan byer kan blive mere klimavenlige og udpege de gasser, derkommer efter CO2 , metan og lattergas, som også bidrager til drivhuseffekten.