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Published: 11/27/2011 - Updated: 09/25/2018Author: K. Laura Garcés G5 CommentsThe cactus is a plant with many medicinal properties. Besides being a great source of fiber, calcium, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, it contains elements that help both the intestine and blood to keep working in order and with good condition, plus it is one of the best natural remedies to treat and prevent diabetes and hypoglycemia, because the cactus increases insulin levels and sensitivity, which manages to balance the level of blood sugar, preventing the formation of bad fats that accumulate in the body, causing overweight and other health problems.
Cactus obesity 'cure'By An African cactus plant is currently being tested by scientists in the race to find a wondercure to combat obesity. The hoodia plant, found across southern Africa is said to have appetite surpressant qualities and has been used for years by tribesmen in the Orange River region to surpress appetites on long hunting trips. British biotechnology company, Phytopharm, has patented the plant as P57 and will begin clinical trials in June. Marketing rights to the drug have been bought by Pfizerand and are valued at £9m a year.
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3. ’Kavt’. Dette ord kan helt og aldeles tilskrives det aalborgensiske vokabularium. Et ord som aalborggensere ynder at fremhæve med stolthed, når deres dialekt bliver kommenteret. Der er tale om et meget særligt tillægsord, der bruges om både situationer, personer eller handlinger, hvor noget er uforholdsmæssigt åndssvagt. Hvis noget virkelig er kavt, vil man i stedet for stemple det som værende ’åndekavt’.
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